While developing A phoneGap application i faced a problem in unzipping a folder. I downloaded a folder in zip from server using FileTransfer API.
I searched a lot for UnZIP plugin of phone gap but did not find any one the net . Than i started writing a fresh cordova plugin for unzipping
There is few prerequisite before using this plugin
Node.js and Cordova CLI or PhoneGap's CLI
Installation : 1 . Open Your terminal and go to your project directory
2 . Enter this command
phonegap plugin add https://github.com/ashishanautiyal/Unzip-PhoneGap--Plugin.gitor If you using cordova
cordova plugin add https://github.com/ashishanautiyal/Unzip-PhoneGap--Plugin.gitor you can download the plugin from Git repo Manually
3 .I Assume you downloaded the plugin manually from git repo
Copy the com folder inside the src folder under your android project
4 .Copy ExtractZipFile.js file inside your www folder and make its reference in index.html
5 . Open res/xml/config.xml file from your project and paste the line
<feature name="ExtractZipFile">
<param name="android-package" value="com.phonegap.plugin.ExtractZipFile.ExtractZipFilePlugin"/>
<plugin name="ExtractZipFile" value="com.phonegap.plugin.ExtractZipFile.ExtractZipFilePlugin" />
function extractOK(status) { console.log("extractOK"); } function extractError(error) { console.log("extractError "+error); } function extractFile(zipfile) { console.log("Extracting "+ zipfile); extractZipFile.unzip(zipfile, extractOK, extractError); }
Get the file reference and pass as parameter in function extractFile(zipfile) . And you are done with extractFile
Git Repo Link : https://github.com/ashishanautiyal/Unzip-PhoneGap--Plugin
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