getUserMedia has came
in web by Opera first . Opera called it <Device> which was used to get
access to the native hardware like camera and mic of the user pc .
Further you can add the css3 filter too it like you can rotate the video .And you can play with this Web Rtc API
Check The simple Demo here
<device type="media" onchange="update("></device><video autoplay></video><script>function update(stream) {document.querySelector('video').src = stream.url;}</script>
This was the syntax of < device>
Soon after the
<device> the WhatWG decided to
bring a javascript api named navigator.getUserMedia() . This API is the part of Web RTC which means
web real time communication.
function getTheMedia() {// Note: Opera is unprefixed.return !!(navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia ||navigator.msGetUserMedia || navigator.getUserMedia) ;}if (getTheMedia ()) {// its nice to go!} else {alert('your browser is not getUserMedia() enabled ');}
The getUserMedia ask your permission for accessing your webcam and mic.
The navigator.getUserMedia take the first parameter {audio: true, video: true} and then couple of optional call back .
so the syntax of navigator.getUserMedia look like this.
getUserMedia enable you to access the hardware like camera and mic without any plugin . After accessing the user media you need to add this to the <video> src .The code will look like the below.
navigator.getUserMedia({audio: true, video: true}, ifSuccessfull, ifError); function
(stream) { // use the stream for further use ... } function error(){ alert("your browser is not getUsermedia enabled") }
function onFail(e) {video.src = 'fallbackvideo.webm';}function onSuccess(stream) {video.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(stream);}if (!navigator.getUserMedia) {fallback();} else {navigator.getUserMedia(
{audio: true, video: true}
, onSuccess, onFail);}
Further you can add the css3 filter too it like you can rotate the video .And you can play with this Web Rtc API
Check The simple Demo here
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