JFC and Swing
JFC is used for the Java Foundation Classes, which provides many features which helps in making graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and in making Java applications more graphically powerfull.
Luckily maximum java program uses only few subset of these packages .Maximum program use these two package
Swing Packages :
Swing API is one of the most powerful API of the java . The flexibility of the swing API make it very broad. The 18 public package forms swing API of the java .Sometimes its very tough to remember these all 18 public package .But as the name of the all packages are same with small difference so a small effort will help you to memorize these all 18 public package . So here is the list :
javax.accessibility | javax.swing.plaf | javax.swing.text |
javax.swing | javax.swing.plaf.basic | javax.swing.text.html |
javax.swing.border | javax.swing.plaf.metal | javax.swing.text.html.parser |
javax.swing.colorchooser | javax.swing.plaf.multi | javax.swing.text.rtf |
javax.swing.event | javax.swing.plaf.synth | javax.swing.tree |
javax.swing.filechooser | javax.swing.table | javax.swing.undo |
- javax.swing
(not necessary)
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